This past year has been absolutely insane, and the Monday that this goes up follows what will have been the busiest weekend I've had in a year due to the hair/make up and tattoo industries finally re-opening, as well as seeing one of my best friends for her birthday, having not seen her for an entire year!
Due to that, this week's post is a short listicle on all of the things I'm looking forward to, now that the world is slowing beginning to edge towards normality.
Before I start, I want to acknowledge that a lot of people will be experiencing anxiety about the world opening back up, and to you, I say: you are not alone, I totally understand how you're feeling, and do not feel guilty if you do not want to socialise 3 weekends in a row, or fill up all of your free time with beer gardens and restaurants. Move at your own pace - those around you will understand if they're really your people.
Some of these will also be permitted to be done now, and others are still way down the line, (both government guideline wise, and personally for Stephen and I according to our comfort level)
I've found that having something to be excited for is one of the best things for me mental health wise - something to keep me going. If you're like me, then I recommend making one of these lists and keeping it in your phone, and then attach dates to the ones that you can do/feel comfortable doing, so that you can start planning and getting excited!
In no particular order:
To walk around Soho with a Peach Green Tea Lemonade in my hand, and buy some sweet treats from all of the cute little bakeries that I pass
Have the large reception party part of our sequel wedding next year
Go on our honeymoon - it'll be our first holiday abroad which will be so exciting!
Eventually, I'd like to go 'out-out' again. I want to put on a mini dress and heels and feel super cute and dance! I've loved our at-home date nights but I'm SO ready to feel fancy in some dimly lit restaurant somewhere.
Have a cute picnic with friends
Go to a house party - Stephen and I went to so many of these when we first started dating, and I miss them, and everyone I met at them
To leave the house wearing a pretty lipstick that other people can SEE
Shopping on the high street - I've always been an online shopper long before the pandemic, but there's a part of my soul that really misses taking things into a changing room and trying them on instead of waiting for home delivery. It's the little things, at this point. Also on this note - bookstores. I want to smell all of the books.
Going to cinemas, theatres, gigs, museums, galleries, the works. I want to consume ALL OF THE ART.
To have a night-in, sitting in front of the TV with a takeaway, by CHOICE - not because it's the only thing that we can do.
What are some things on your list? :)