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My Experience Switching to Natural Deodorant

Writer's picture: EshaEsha

Updated: Oct 10, 2020

One year ago, I switched from using anti-perspirants and started using aluminium free, natural deodorants. If, like me, you had no idea that 'natural' deodorants existed, or that they had a health benefit attached to them at all, don’t worry. I wasn’t clued up on anything deodorant related before I made the switch. All I knew was that my ‘pearl and beauty’ anti-perspirant came in pretty, pink packaging so I continued to buy it time and time again.

In January of last year, I watched Kathleen Lights’ Non Beauty Favourites Video, where she mentioned that she was making the switch to natural deodorant. As this was the first time I had heard of this, I was intrigued. I was especially intrigued when she mentioned that the brand she was currently trying called Native had a Coconut and Vanilla scented product, because that’s my favourite scent of anything ever.

Kathleen mentioned that due to breast cancer running in her family, and knowing that it has been reported that aluminium may be linked to a higher risk of breast cancer, she felt that it was the right decision to switch to a natural deodorant.

I did some research, and found that the National Cancer Institute says this:

Aluminium-based compounds are used as the active ingredient in antiperspirants. These compounds form a temporary “plug” within the sweat duct that stops the flow of sweat to the skin's surface. Some research suggests that aluminium-containing underarm antiperspirants, which are applied frequently and left on the skin near the breast, may be absorbed by the skin and have estrogen-like (hormonal) effects

Because estrogen can promote the growth of breast cancer cells, some scientists have suggested that the aluminium-based compounds in antiperspirants may contribute to the development of breast cancer.

This alarmed me for more than one reason. The idea that aluminium based antiperspirants effectively prevent us from sweating felt weird, as it stops us from doing something that our bodies naturally do. That, combined with the chance of the breast cancer risk, made me think that it was my time to make the switch, too.

I then did some research into Native to find that they are aluminium free, paraben free, and cruelty free. Three incredibly important factors. I'm not sure when they started doing this but in November, I noticed that the deodorants have a cute little heart printed on them which is super sweet, too.

In their FAQ, they mention that their natural deodorants are different because:

Deodorant works by eliminating and absorbing the odours associated with sweat.

From this, I understood that natural deodorants still allow our bodies to sweat, while still effectively keep us smelling fresh and sweet. This sounded much better to me than an antiperspirant that could potentially be harmful.

Now, the only thing I had to worry about was just how effective natural deodorants could be at eliminating those odours. I’m 5ft so you know that I’ve absolutely found myself on a train, pretty much nestled into the armpit of a much taller person holding the railing above their heads. It’s not pretty.

Native had a very reassuring answer to my worries about this, also on their FAQ page:

While it can take your body up to two weeks in order to adjust to Native, most people are able to make the switch instantly and successfully!

We recommend you use it for two weeks because that is the amount of time your body will require to purge itself of the aluminium and other chemicals that remain under your arm after you make the switch. Native Deodorant is applied easily and will offer you effective protection against odours and wetness.

So I took the plunge. I can truly say that I didn’t personally experience a smelly ‘adjustment’ period myself, but I do think that even if I had, it would’ve been worth it. I love using Native. As it is a cream product, it doesn’t feel wet or sticky like some roll-ons I used previously did.

I’ve also tried so many of the gorgeous scents now, but their most popular Coconut and Vanilla is still my favourite, unsurprisingly.

They also have an entire sensitive range for those of us who would prefer that which is so important.

Native do natural body washes, bar soaps and toothpaste which I haven’t ventured into trying yet, but I have no doubt that they’re incredible too.

Unfortunately Native isn’t sold in UK stores yet, so I do have to pay shipping along with the price of the deodorant. However, as I’ve been solely using Native for a year now, I do use the ‘subscribe and save’ deal which cuts the price down quite a bit. They also sometimes do an offer where you can get a tiny handbag sized Native deodorant as an add on, in case you need a top up throughout the day. As part of one of their limited seasonal collections, I bought a mini in the 'pink grapefruit and elderflower scent' and it smells absolutely divine.

As Kathleen said: ‘I don’t know how they do it, but they do it.’, and I absolutely agree.

Will you #GoNative this year?



Feb 10, 2020

Aw, thank you so much, lovely! How cool that we switched around the same time - well done!! I remember everyone recommending Schmidt's at one point too, I'm so happy you found a few that you love! Eeeee I hope you like the Native ones! 💖💖


Feb 10, 2020

I've taken the plunge almost at the same time as you, and would never go back!

I tested Rustic Maka in Lemongrass Gardens, but it was a bit to creamy and though the smell is really nice, it doesn't go well with my ever changing perfumes.

Then I tested Zion Health ClayDry Deodorant (the original one) and I loved it, but I was seeing everyone recommending Schmidt's, and I'll admit they're my favorite so far!!

I love the Coconut & Pineapple one for the hot weather or when I'm feeling cute, and the Cedarwood & Juniper for when I'm feeling more badass or want the focus to be on my perfume 😌

I really look forward to testing the Native…

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