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Honest Thoughts On 2020

Writer's picture: EshaEsha

Updated: Jan 16, 2021


Spoiler alert: I could absolutely sit here and write about how 2020 has been wildly strange and awful, but me being me, I wanted to document some happy moments that happened to me this year instead.

So. Here's 20 positive reflections on my 2020.

1. Due to being at home so much during the first lockdown, I actually learnt how to cook/bake properly, and I experimented with lots of fun recipes - some of which made it on to this blog, so I'll link a few of those posts here if you're looking for new recipes for the new year, in case you missed them!

2. I planned a 25th lockdown birthday for Stephen, and seeing his face light up with happiness for the entire day was the most incredible thing. Seeing the look on his face definitely made putting balloons up at 5am completely worth it. It was one of the most fun days this year, and I recommended some gorgeous small businesses in Reading which made it possible in the post I wrote about it, which I'll link here again, in case you're looking to do the same for anyone next year.

3. In March, I did a Calligraphy/Brush Lettering course run by Alina, (CreativeFeelDesigns), and it is absolutely one of my favourite things to come out of this year. I'm still so in love with lettering, as it is relaxes me, and it means that I end up with some beautiful prints to decorate the house with, too. I made my Etsy store announcement about two weeks ago, which is so exciting! It's really cool to think that I have my own little store of prints that I learnt how to create earlier this year. You can read my posts on my progress from throughout the year here, here and here. I've already sold three prints and I audibly squeal every time I make a sale - AHHHH.

4. I enrolled on a bunch of courses which I loved completing, as I love learning new things. I did one on 'Mental Health in Young People', one on 'Counselling Skills', and I've also bought one on 'BSL', and most recently, a Yale course called 'The Science of Wellbeing', which I haven't started yet, (at the time of writing this on December 13th), but I'm very excited to. Yay for knowledge!

5. I came to the realisation that I was doing the same boring workout routine that I've had for years, and I was finding it so ineffective as it became more of a chore. I learnt that working out should be fun, and it just never had been for me. I've since switched it up with a mixture of Chloe Ting workouts - I linked the workouts of hers that I use in this post. I've also been doing dance workouts which are so much fun! My two favourites are this one and this one. I've started throwing in some yoga as a warm-down and I actually feel like my workout is a) doing something, and b) I feel better mentally after a workout, instead of seeing it as a chore, which is fantastic.

6. I read 30 wonderful books this year, and you can read about ten of my favourites in this post!

7. I fell in love with some incredible small businesses. They're all amazing, and it feels so good to be supporting such lovely people who are working so hard on creating the wonderful things that they do. I did a post on some of my favourites here.

8. Taylor Swift saved 2020 by releasing both folklore and evermore, and they honestly got me through this year. What an absolute Queen. That's all I have to say on that.

9. Speaking of people who saved 2020 for me, along with all of my incredible friends, I've loved having the chance to just spend time with Stephen this much, despite the negative situation of lockdown. Being in a tiny house together for 6 months straight, and the only place we were allowed to go was Tesco? We couldn't even hug or anything because he was so high risk. For 6 months. That probably would have changed a lot of things for many couples, but it made us so much stronger and I genuinely missed him when I had to, (physically), go back to work in September. Our 'lockdown date' game is so strong at this point.

10. We have pretty much planned our wedding now, and it's been so much fun!

11. I bought my wedding dress in August, and it was one of the best days. I'm so grateful that my maid of honour was able to come with me and experience the absolute magic that went on that day.

12. In September, I did Digital Detox Day, and I've had all of my push notifications turned off since. I honestly think that it has changed my phone-using habits, and I've learnt to be much more present in my everyday life. I'm sure that this has done wonders for my mental health too, and I really recommend it. I really did not need to see '______ liked your photo' every few minutes after posting anything, and neither do you. However, if you are someone who uses Instagram messaging a lot like I am, and you don't want to keep opening the Instagram app and doom scrolling just because you want to check your messages, I highly recommend the Threads app, as it's JUST for messaging. It's great.

13. Stephen had his ileostomy, and it has truly changed his life for the better. I have never been this amount of secondhand happy for someone else, in my entire life. You can read about his experience in a Q&A we did together here.

14. I finally got my first tattoo, which I'd wanted since April but had to cancel on due to the pandemic, and then just didn't feel comfortable getting, (due to the pandemic), until the end of October, but I did it. I love it. I've already got a list of my next five, and I can't wait.

15. In November, this blog turned one years old! How exciting is that?! I began writing because I was finding my job difficult and overwhelming, and wanted a hobby to take up which would bring me some joy on weekends. I've mentioned in a previous blog post that Saturdays very quickly became my writing day, and sitting down every weekend to write about my favourite beauty finds, new recipes that I'd found, or just some books I wanted to read, was a massively positive distraction and I looked forward, (I still do!), to writing every weekend. I'm so proud of myself for sticking with this for an entire year, and I hope that reading my posts has helped you, the way that writing them has massively helped me. Sharing all of this through my blog posts has made me super happy, and I'm thankful to those of you who have read even a single one of my posts. I hope you've learnt things about your life, and grown up alongside me during this turbulent year.

16. I turned 26 earlier this month, and Stephen ensured that I had the best day ever. I'd bought massive rose gold balloons which he sorted out for me, and arranged so that I could get a cute lockdown birthday photo. He surprised me with a Gregg's breakfast in bed, as well as afternoon tea from a gorgeous local business, before we went to the park and played on the swings in true 26 year old fashion, made a birthday cheesecake together, and video chatted with some of my best friends. The best day.

17. As mentioned above, I opened my Etsy store, and I just wanted to give that its own point because that's just so exciting. At this time last year, I didn't even know how to brush letter in any capacity, and now I think I can do it well enough to sell my prints. I love that for me.

18. I loved myself enough to realise that my job was negatively affecting my mental health, so I quit. CAN WE JUST TAKE A MINUTE. Something was no longer serving me, so I gave it up. I hate to pat myself on my own back, but that is probably the bravest thing I've ever done. I currently have nothing lined up to go to, and that's scary, I'll admit - but it's not as scary as living an unhappy life. Do you. Thank you to everyone who cheered me on after reading my Life doesn't end at 25 post. It meant a lot to me to write it, and from feedback, it resonated with some of you, too. Thank you!

19. I've mentioned in a previous post that I keep a weekly grateful diary, and have done for 3.5 years now, and I just wanted to say that even throughout this year, I have had something, (in fact, many things), that I've written in that grateful diary every single week. There has not been a single week where I've had such a terrible time that there was nothing to be grateful for. There's always something to be grateful for, and that's so positive so I just wanted to mention it.

20. I'm looking forward to 2021, even after everything this year has thrown at us, and despite not knowing how far into 2021 we will have to endure the 'new normal'. We did it once, and we can do it again. I've come out of this year so much stronger, and I've learnt so much, and grown so much. Bring it on.


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