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  • Writer's pictureEsha

About My Third Tattoo! ∞

Updated: Jun 14

For my third tattoo, I decided to go back to Tattoo Crew, which is the studio where I got my first tattoo, and honestly, I think I'll continue to go there for all of my tattoos because the entire experience is so perfect. The artists/staff are absolute experts at what they do, and they're so professional yet super friendly and chatty. I always feel so welcome and like they're genuinely happy to see me there, I love it.

I always knew that I would eventually book in for an infinity sign tattoo is because of the John Mayer song 'Edge of Desire' which features the lyric 'Just a great figure eight, or a tiny infinity'. It's one of my favourite songs, and lyrics, from the album 'Battle Studies', and I've just always loved it. Fun fact: on the day that this post goes up, his latest album will come out in a mere 4 days, so it's really cool to have just gotten a tattoo inspired by one of his songs that came out 12 years ago.

It's also pretty cute to have an infinity sign tattoo as when Stephen and I first started speaking on Tumblr, my username was (and still is) infinite-esha because of the line 'and in that moment, I swear we were infinite' from The Perks of Being a Wallflower, so one of the first things he would've associated with me is this symbol - it's something that represented me before we met, and now it also represents our marriage as my wedding ring features an infinity sign on it, which I love.

I had the best time getting this tattoo - it took around 30 minutes in total, but it really only hurt during one instance where there was a very long line where my artist didn't lift the needle up for a little longer than I was used to. Even still, unlike the first time I was tattooed, there was no passing out/needing a water break, and I'm super proud of myself for that. My tattooist was praising how far I've come in the space of just a few months between my first and third, and how well I was able to sit and not move an inch even during the bits that hurt a little more!

I genuinely love the whole experience of getting a tattoo, from design ideas, to thinking about it for weeks just to be sure I know what I want before booking, and then getting really excited about it and sitting in the chair all nervous but totally ready at the same time - it's the best. I was discussing this with Stephen a few nights ago, and he said something really poignant about how our generation is very much made up of renters who are stuck in these tiny houses where we aren't allowed to hang our art on our walls, or we don't have the room and money to fully decorate our spaces how we'd like to, so it makes total sense that we want to wear it on our art and self expression on our bodies instead. I love that. I think that's so true!

Going back to the tattoo, I also love that we went thinner in the centre of the infinity, and thicker around the outside, as this was a decision that we made together on the day - I originally thought I wanted it to be the same thickness the whole way around, but it looks so much more delicate and detailed this way. It's also the first tattoo which is on the right hand side of my body, so it's very cool that I'm starting to even out.

I booked in to have this tattoo done about 2 months in advance, so my original plan was just to travel up to the studio on the morning of, have the tattoo done, and then come all the way back home again, but I was very lucky that it ended up being a much more exciting trip than this, as it turned out all of our schedules matched up and I was able to hang out with Stephen and his parents for the whole weekend, and we had the absolute best time. This is the first tattoo I've gotten where I didn't just go straight home afterwards, but actually made a day/weekend of it, and it was the best.

Stephen and I bought pizzas from this adorable independent pizza place called 'Crust Trust Pizza', and ate them along the riverside while watching the boat races, and the ducks paddling around. I totally recommend this as a cute little date if you're ever in the Kingston area. I was also super thrilled that the weather was much milder than it has been because it meant we could sit outside, without the fear of me burning my fresh new ink alive, in the hot sun. (remember that you can't SPF your tattoos until they're fully healed, kids! keep them out of the sun!)

This is totally irrelevant, but I wore this gorgeous floral lace bodysuit because it was strappy and easy to just manoeuvre around while I was getting the tattoo, and wouldn't stifle it/be too tight fitting afterwards while we were exploring Kingston, and finding somewhere cute to eat. I felt so pretty in it, and I absolutely love it! The brand is naanaa, but they unfortunately only sell wholesale, so I am always on the hunt around for sellers who stock them because everything they make is exactly my style. This one is from Boohoo!

I loved seeing family, and getting new ink, and it's super rare at the moment that Stephen has a weekend off, so it was really just the perfect way to take advantage of that. We all had a super fun games night on Saturday, and then went on a lovely walk around the park together before we left on Sunday. We saw so many pretty butterflies, and I was totally like a little kid running around and pointing at all of them, but we all have to do things which keep our inner children happy, it's good for the soul!

Now that I have three of them, and will continue to get more, I've made a category on my blog for tattoo posts, so feel free to click through there if you missed any of the first two.

Until next time! xo

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