Hi, I'm back! If you follow me on any of my social media, you'll be happy that this post is going to be a break from all of our wedding content, as Saturday 22nd May was the 4 year anniversary of me keeping a weekly gratitude diary. Last year, I wrote about why I started one and all of the benefits, along with an overview of the kinds of joyful things I was grateful for between 2017 and May 2020 so you can read about that in this post.
This year's post is going to involve me choosing ten random entries from May 2020 to now, because I love the fact that I was still writing happy things towards the end of last year where everything in my life was a bit turbulent. It's going to be a short post just to get me back into the swing of writing weekly blog posts, (as a wife!), but I hope it's still fun to read.
I'm going to flick through the pages from the past year, and choose random entries with my eyes closed. Here goes!
week of June 15th '20: 'had a great time treating ourselves to McDonald's and playing Heavy Rain, in which I got the perfect ending!'
This is a fun one! I do still enjoy treating myself to a McDonald's, although sadly, I am now becoming one of those adults that feels a bit sick and regretful after one - it never really satisfies my craving, which is sad! On the other hand, I still love Heavy Rain, although I haven't played it since I wrote this entry. It's one of those 'butterfly effect' games that has a whole range of different endings, and I somehow managed to get the best one where everybody lives on my first run through - I was so happy about that!
week of July 19th: 'happy that I continued to work on the flat and now it's the tidiest/sparkliest it has ever been'
This was during a week where Stephen was in hospital with his heart condition acting up, and I was throwing myself into making the flat pretty, to distract myself. It's really sweet to read this now because since getting married, we've been trying to give the flat a bit of a glow-up. We moved into it as boyfriend and girlfriend, and now want it to look more like a married couple live here - here's some photos of the little additions we've been adding to make it more homey, and we love it!
week of August 30th: 'grateful to have discovered Taylor Swift dance workouts - I love dancing and it still feels like I'm actually doing some exercise!'
I still love dance workouts, and have found a number of new Youtubers who I love - my favourites are Emkfit, Kyra Pro, and Teagan Dixon. I highly recommend them - it's so fun to get some exercise in while you're having fun!
week of September 27th: 'proud of myself for not bringing my assessments home to mark them'
Ooh, one from before I left teaching - work/life balance was always something I really struggled with while I was in that profession, so I'm really proud of myself that even while I was finding it really hard and wanting to quit, I still enforced my personal boundaries and didn't bring work home.
week of November 1st: 'finally got my tattoo and I love it'
Very cute! I had waited to get my tattoo pretty much throughout the entire pandemic last year, as it was originally booked for April. I've since had my 2nd one, and booked in my third which I'm getting in July of this year, so it's amazing to remember how excited and grateful I was about finally getting my first. You can read about my tattoos here and here.
week of December 13th: 'had fun redesigning my blog and opening my Etsy Calligraphy store!'
This is 100% something to be excited about, that I'm still excited about to this day almost 6 months later. I've loved designing more art, and having friends buy it, as well as some friends going as far as commissioning me to make art for them to gift to their loved ones - I will never be less than honoured about that. I also love making 'happy birthday' cards for my loved ones' birthdays - so much more personal! Someone actually bought one of my prints the night before the wedding and it was the first sale I'd made in a month or two, so it was extra special.
week of January 31st '21: 'so proud and honoured to have finished my collab print with Stephen this week'
This one leads quite nicely on the previous one - it was a really fun idea to make a print with Stephen where he drew the sketch, and I did the calligraphy. We didn't know it at the time, but this would end up being good practice for us because we ended up doing a collab for one of our wedding favours, too!

week of March 14th: 'both me and Stephen got the job!!!'
VERY exciting times when both yourself and your husband acquire new jobs that you love, after really disliking your old ones. Power couple, much?
week of April 18th: 'went to Waterstones on Monday and it as good to be back in my cosy happy place'
I can't explain to you how much I missed walking around bookstores, and just being in the peace of quiet of people silently wandering around in a cosy bookstore, alongside me. I've been to walk around a few more times since then too, and it's just the best.
week of May 2nd: 'finally found 'brides besties' dressing gowns which were cute and affordable'
When I tell you that I'd been looking for pink dressing gowns which said something simple like 'bridesmaid', and didn't cost me my house for pretty much our entire engagement, you'd understand how excited I was to find the Ginger Ray robes which I gifted to my bridesmaids on my wedding morning. They're so cute, and they look really pretty in the 'getting ready' photos!
And there you have it! What's something that you're grateful for this month? xo